Sound Insulation Costs
NOTE: Indicative costs are given here for information only. All projects by Civil Engineering Dynamics are treated on an individual basis, and therefore we must be contacted for a formal quotation for a specific project for actual costs.

Specialist consultants (such as Civil Engineering Dynamics) can provide designs for specific problems and undertake measurements to establish what increase in sound insulation is required. In our opinion, this is the best way to tackle a noise problem, but it is expensive. Most consultants charge something like £50 + VAT per hour, and designs cannot usually be realised in a form suitable for building contractors without at least a few days work.

To be sure of a design, it is usually necessary to make measurements of the existing sound insulation provided by a building. This requires access to both sides of a partition, so it is useful to be on reasonable terms with your neighbours. Civil Engineering Dynamics will usually charge something like £800 - £1000 + VAT to undertake a measurement of sound insulation of a number of partitions between two properties.
Measurement Survey
- Sound Insulation Test as per BS 2750 and the Building Regulations.
- Requires access to both sides test wall/floor.
- Preferred test for subsequent design.
From £845 + VAT for 1 or 2 partitions
- 1 hour measurement of noise from neighbours (client chooses time).
- Longer survey durations at £53 + VAT per extra hour.
From £550 + VAT for 1 hour measurement
Additional Partitions or Floating Floor
- Only applicable following a measurement survey.
- Designs produced as either a set of indicative sketches, or builders plans at extra cost.
- Site supervision can be provided at £53 + VAT per hour + expenses.
From £220 + VAT for 1 partition
Room Within a Room
- Only applicable following a measurement survey.
- Designs produced as either a set of indicative sketches, or builders plans at extra cost.
- Site supervision can be provided at £53 + VAT per hour + expenses.
From £1100 + VAT for 1 room
Quiet Haven
- A high performance room within a room design, aimed at providing as near to total sonic isolation as is possible.
- Requires detailed sound insulation tests.
- Each Quiet Haven project is a bespoke design, therefore each one must be cost for individually.
- As an indication, the quote will tend to be in thousands rather than hundreds.
- Call to discuss if you are serious about sound insulation.